
Jubbah- Museum of Human History

The city of Jubbah is one of the most important historical and archaeological sites and desert tourist destinations in Saudi Arabia, as it contains the remains of the oldest human sites dating back to the stone ages, as well as includes the most famous drawings and rock inscriptions that tourists can see and learn about the reality of human life in ancient times, and the tourist enjoys Watching an enormous and dense amount of drawings and engravings that people drew in different eras on the façades of rocks and mountains, and examining the techniques of stone tools used by the ancient man in digging his drawings and inscriptions.

And the most important drawings and rock engravings that tourists can see in the meal of those on the mountain “Um Sennman” that represent the early pattern of painting and engraving dating back to the eighth millennium BC.

These drawings and reliefs are also characterized by rich scenes of the daily life of humans and animals that inhabited the region and can be divided into two periods: the first dates back to the eighth millennium BC and shows the human forms complete with thin arms and the emergence of the body and the emergence of animal forms the appearance of non-domesticated such as Long-horned cows, deer species, and some predatory animals. The second filter dates back to the first millennium BC and is called the “Thamudic period”. Its most prominent inscriptions are texts of supplications, love, and property. Harts, lions, tigers, and ostriches, in addition to symbolic forms of palm trees, are considered a main station meal and a destination for western orientalists who visited the Arabian Peninsula due to its geographical location.


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